Caroline Butler (vocals, baroque violin, violin). Caroline plays with English ceildh band Geckoes
Jon Fletcher (lute, cittern, vocals). Jon plays with Oxfordshire five-piece Magpie Lane and has his own website at
Ian Giles (vocals, hurdy-gurdy, percussion). Ian plays with Oxfordshire five-piece Magpie Lane
Tim Healey (narrator, vocals, shawm, recorder, bandora). Tim is a freelance writer and broadcaster
Edwin Pritchard (nyckelharpa, hammer dulcimer, violin, baroque guitar, vocals). Edwin plays with English ceilidh band The Larkrise Ranters and has his own website at
Some of the bagpipers who have played with the Oxford Waits - and may yet guest again...
Jon Boden
Jon Boden of future Bellowhead fame played briefly with the Oxford Waits at the outset of his music career, contributing fiddle, bagpipes and pipe & tabor as well as his thrilling vocals. Sadly no photos survive of him in 17th-century attire but Jon picked up some of his later repertoire from his stint with the Waits and acknowledges the band on his website A Folk Song a Day. The pieces include Remember O Thou Man and the Doleful Dance of Death of which he writes:
‘Tim performs the original 17th-century version of this with a skull mask over his face; pretty scary stuff. I used to have to play the recorder solo which was also pretty scary…’
Visit for these and a wealth of other great songs from folk tradition, brilliantly interpreted by a stellar performer.